historical trains in the neighbourhood of La Calestienne
At 4 km from La Calestienne the Chemin de Fer à Vapeur des Trois Vallées takes care of a collection of historical diesel and steam locomotifs plus lots of old wagons. Restauration of these beautiful engines takes place at the original arched hangar in Mariembourg. From Easter till the beginning of november they organise train trips between Mariembourg and Treignes, passing by Nismes, Olloy and Vierves. 
At 14 km from La Calestienne, in Treignes the Museum of Steam locomotifs  accommodates a collection of historical engines, train lamps and other curiosa related tot railway traffic during the nineteenth and twentiest century. Tel: 0032(0)60/31.24.40.



"La Calestienne"
Rue Saint Roch, 111 B-5670 Nismes Belgium
GSM: +32/494.355.705. WWW.lacalestienne.be   E-mail:
IBAN BE66-86370490-1743

©Chris Vanbeveren 2024