history in the neighbourhood of La Calestienne
  In Brûly-de-Pesche, at 14 km from La Calestienne, hidden in an uninterrupted forrest of 12.000 hectares, there is the "Grand Quartier Général allemand 1940", better known as the Bunker of Hitler. From here out Hitler commanded his invasion of France in june 1940. One pavilion traces the progress of this invasion, a second pavilion pays a tribute to the regional resistance. Hereby the bunker of Hitler himself has been conservated and also the adaptations at the church, the presbytery and the other buildings in the surroundings are illustrated.
  Philippeville, at 18 km from La Calestienne, has been a fortified city with a pentagonal ground plan, but like most of the other cities of this type, the fortifications have been demolished with the independance of Belgium in 1830. Ten kilometers of the Underground Galleries of Philippeville have been conserved, from which a part is now accessible for public. Before visiting these galleries you can see a movie about Philippeville at the Syndicat d'Initiatives et du Tourisme.
  In contradiction with (among others) Philippeville and Mariembourg in Belgium, fortifications in France have not been demolished systematically. This makes you can walk around the Fortified City of Rocroi; for a reconstruction of the Battle of Rocroi you can visit the local museum.
The Military Fortress Charlemont in Givet in France has been built in the sixteenth century by the emperor Charles to protect his empire against France. Later on this fortress has been annexed by france and adapted by Vauban. Nowadays this fortress is a training centre for french paracommandos, but part of it you can visit during summertime. 

  The Castle of the Prices of Chimay, at 18 km from La Calestienne,  has been the residence of the family de Croÿ. Several rooms are used for the exhibition of memorabilia reflecting the blue blooded relationships of the habitants. A small theatre for two hundred persons, has been named "petit théatre Tallien" after a heroin of the French Revolution who maried for the third time in 1805, that time with a Caraman-Chimay, where through she got the title of princess.
  On the touristic route of fortifications in the northern part of France you can cross the ruins of the Castle Ruins of Montcornet. Once this has been an impressionnant fortified castle in hands of the family de Croÿ, just like the castles of Chimay and Beaumont, but this one has been dismantled in the eighteenth century.  

"La Calestienne"
Rue Saint Roch, 111 B-5670 Nismes Belgium
GSM: +32/494.355.705. WWW.lacalestienne.be   E-mail:
IBAN BE66-86370490-1743

©Chris Vanbeveren 2024