how to reach La Calestienne?
If you take the train, you can reach "La Calestienne" via Charleroi and line number 132 (going direction Couvin) till Mariembourg. Consult eventually the site of the Belgian railways. If you are lucky you can take there a bus to Nismes. Don't forget to consult the bussite.
Do you prefer to make the trip completely by your own you can walk along the museum-railtrack direction east (the leftiest track) till you see the old station of Nismes; there you take right and at the end you arrive at "La Calestienne", a four kilometer trip.
Are you driving by car, than the easiest way is the one via Charleroi in the direction of Philippeville and Couvin; at Mariembourg you leave the N5 direction "Viroinval". Five kilometers further on you arrive at the first houses of Nismes. At the round point you take right direction Dourbes and just behind the corner you see "La Calestienne" on your left. At the round point you can park your car.
Of course there are plenty of more beatiful roads to arrive here, for example via Namur, Dinant and Givet.
If you want to play it sportively, you can follow the Ravel car-free biking-tracks like the one by Tienen, Hoegaarden, Jodoigne, Namur, Wépion, Dinant and Agimont. Surely for Wallonia you can't bike easier: it is all flat on old railroad tracks and along the river Meuse. You can leave this track at Fagnolle or Mariembourg and reach La Calestienne on 5 km "normal" road. On  site of the Ravel  you can consult all cycling-routes of Wallonia.  


"La Calestienne"
Rue Saint Roch, 111 B-5670 Nismes Belgium
GSM: +32/494.355.705.   E-mail:
IBAN BE66-86370490-1743

©Chris Vanbeveren 2024